Dear Family
Man, I only have to do this a few more times. I’m going to
miss it! Wow sounds like you're having the time of your life there in Logan! I wish
I coulda been there. Glad you made it safe and sound. Shame about the windshield
and heck yeah I remember that cool game with the blocks and the grass, down at
1st dam!
As for that random email, that place is about as far away
from Windhoek as you can get. It’s the little strip in the top right of the
country, if you look on a map. Not much we can do. Sorry.
To answer your question mommy, there are no more visas that
got approved yet, there’s still a little glimmer of hope, but the government is
just being dumb. The public relations people from Joburg recently to talk to
them, the smiths here are always trying, but things will work out hopefully. So
if no visas get approved, Elder Farley might have to be with a branch
missionary for a time, but it might not work out with the branch
missionaries. Who knows what is going to happen!
The assistants and President Wood came up Friday night, and
so the assistants stayed with us, which was fun. Our boarding was busy though. We
went on exchanges on Saturday, which went very well. Sunday morning, Elder Cook
flew in from Durban! On Saturday night he had a speaking assignment there, and
flew in to NAM the next morning. He spoke in both sacraments. That night he had
a fireside which also was powerful. I’d say the theme of his talks were about
marriage and family. niceee. He and his wife are funny and soo spiritual. I took
some good notes and learned lots. But it gets better. This morning, we met
together and had zone conference. It was powerful. I was asked to conduct. Yeah
no big deal, a general authority there haha. President Wood and his wife gave a
nice discourse on tithing. Man, it blew my mind. I cannot wait to pay my
tithing when I go home. Elder Cook and his wife talked lots about all kinds of
things. I could sit here all day and tell you. It was amazing. We were lucky
that there were so few of us and so we just sat like in a circle like a family
would and had a nice discussion. They spoke with such soft voices, man! So
spiritual and motivating and inspiring and uplifting. I loved every second of
it. Since this was my last zone conference, I had to say my farewell testimony.
The final one! It was nice. Then, after the meeting, the smiths and cooks
loaded up in the car and we did too with the AP's and raced off to the airport.
They are on a tight schedule! They’re off to Cape Town, and doing a mission
tour the entire week. That’s a lot of traveling and meetings. I have a lot of
respect for those men.
So I was thinking about when I get home and something that I
really wanna do that night, and that is, to go to the TEMPLE!! I miss that
place soooo much. But I wanted to go there and have a PPI with the Lord just to
finish the deal. I really was hoping I could do that.
Well, can’t think of anything else to write. Still working hard! Miss you. seeee you soon.
Elder Haws
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