South Africa Cape Town Mission Web site click below
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
Saturday, November 29, 2014
South African Christmas!
Well I've been thinking about Christmas as a missionary on the other side of the world and in some ways it was different than what I was used to, and in some ways it was pretty much the same.
South Africa is in the southern hemisphere so Christmas comes during the middle of the summer, which is pretty much like Christmas in San Diego! I asked a South African friend I keep in contact with what common Christmas traditions are and what he said did't surprise me. He said that they don't have many but they always like a good "braai" (BBQ) on Christmas! So typical. A lot of what the members and people down there did was very similar to what we normally do. I remember there was a big Christmas party at the church that we as missionaries tried to invite as many investigators and recent converts and other members to. My companion and I made boring cookies (not fancy Christmas treats that my mom would always make) and we delivered them to members in the ward and us, along with other missionaries would sing Christmas carols to them! People just relax and visit family and enjoy the holiday. One of the only differences is that they don't call Santa Clause, Santa Clause, they call him "Father Christmas" which was weird to me. And most of the people we visited lived in humble circumstances so there were rarely any decorations in their homes or Christmas lights anywhere. As for food on Christmas, turkey, vegetables, mince pies, yellow rice and plum pudding for dessert would be considered a normal South African Christmas dinner. To say Merry Christmas in Afrikkans is "Geseënde Kersfees!" and in Xhosa its "Krisimesi emnandi!"
That's really all the things that I came up with. I hope it helps and that this activity goes well!
-Dusty Haws
Thursday, October 23, 2014
A Married Man
Hello world!

For the last few minutes I have looked at all the pictures on the blog and I can’t help but smile. Ah I just want to go back sometimes and re-live all the fun experiences I had and see all my friends I left behind on that side of the world. Life back then was so different and I’d have to say less stressful than real life. It was a unique time in my life to just forget myself and get lost in the Lord’s work. Being able to teach and serve all day everyday was something that I greatly miss.

We were married August 9th, 2014 in the San Diego Temple! That was the happiest day of my life! Pretty much all of my family came, some even came from the east coast! And all but 2 of Holly’s 10 siblings and their families were able to make it. We were sealed for time and all eternity and the feelings of joy and love filled the whole sealing room. There was such a sweet spirit as I knelt across the alter in the holy temple and looked into the eyes of my sweetheart all dressed in white. Those special moments in the sealing room are moments I'll remember all my life. Then had a ring ceremony right before our reception which was very nice. Everything at our reception went just as planned. The food was delicious, everyone was happy, and of course there was lots of dancing! SO many people came and supported us and congratulated us. I could just feel the love that day! And dang did Holly look stunning and amazing! I am a lucky man.

But then it was back to reality. The next weekend we had a reception at Holly’s house for all her family and friends that couldn’t make it down to San Diego. There were so many people and it was a wonderful evening. Then, school and work stared back up! As for where we are living, my sweet grandma has rented out her basement to couples and she said we could live there for as long as we need! It is very generous of her and we are so grateful! We just have to take out the trash and mow the lawn! It is a very spacious basement and we have turned it into our home, with the help of all the gifts people have given us! We love it.
School is going well. I’m in the Huntsman School of Business here at Utah State University and I am currently studying business and hope to get a degree In MIS (management information systems) or just business administration. We’ll see what happens. As for my job, I still clean carpets 2-3 times per week and enjoy it! Better than bagging groceries. Holly loves her job coaching gymnastics and graduates this semester with a degree in sociology and minors in criminal justice and political science. Holly and I are attending a married student ward here in Logan and just got called as the Gospel Doctrine teachers in the ward!
Well, that’s
all the stuff I can think of at the moment that has happened in the past year.
It’s been such a great year and we have both been blessed so much and
constantly watched over! Life couldn't be better!
Dusty and Holly
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The South Africa Mission
by Andrew Jenson
From the
Encyclopedic History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
May 1941, Deseret News Publishing Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. Used
with permission.
SOUTH AFRICAN MISSION (The) comprises the extreme south part of the continent of Africa, or
the political division of that continent known as the Union of South Africa,
which is a self-governing Dominion of Great Britain, containing about 8,000,000
inhabitants. The mission is divided into seven conferences, or districts,
namely, Cape Transvaal, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, Kimberley, East London
and Durban. On Dec. 31, 1930, these districts had a total Church
membership of 769, including 9 Elders, 30 Priests, 11 Teachers, 20 Deacons, 535
lay members, and 154 children. Twenty Elders from Zion were laboring in
the mission; also two missionary sisters. Five of the local Elders also
were devoting their entire time to missionary work.
At a conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 28, 1852, Elders Jesse Haven, Leonard I. Smith and William H. Walker were called to open up a mission in South Africa. Traveling via Liverpool and London, England, they arrived at Cape Town April 19, 1853. Bro. Haven presided over the mission. Immediately upon their arrival they made application for the use of the town hall, which was granted upon condition that they pay for the lighting. They made arrangements to hold meetings in the hall for six consecutive nights and commenced to advertise these meetings. On the first evening, April 25, 1853, the hall was nearly filled, but when testimony was borne to the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith the audience became so excited that it was impossible to continue the meeting on account of the confusion. The following evening the brethren found the hall closed against them. They, however, obtained the use of other halls, but mobbers caused so much confusion that it was impossible to speak. Some converts, however, were made, but they were afraid to take a decided stand on account of persecution. Finally, a Mr. Nicholas Paul of Mowbray (a suburb of Cape Town), a man of influence, permitted the Elders to hold meetings in his home, informing the audience at the commencement of the meeting that if they did not wish to listen they could leave, but the first man who offered an insult on his premises would be in danger of "having more holes made through him than a skimmer," and as long as the Elders remained in the vicinity Mr. Panl was their friend, and soon afterwards he and members of his family were baptized. On June 15, 1853, Elder Leonard I. Smith baptized Henry Stringer at Mowbray, as the first fruit of the labors of the Elders in South Africa. Soon afterwards a number of other converts were baptized and on Aug. 16, 1853, the first branch of the Church in South Africa was organized at Mowbray, four miles from Cape Town, and on Sept. 7, 1853, another branch was organized at Newlands, six miles from Cape Town. Up to that time about fifty persons had been added to the Church by baptism. A third branch of the Church was organized Feb. 23, 1854, at Beaufort, Cape Colony. These branches were later organized as the Cape Conference. The Elders also sent to England for copies of the Church works and a number of tracts for distribution. At a conference held at Port Elizabeth Aug. 13, 1855, the "Church in the Cape of Good Hope" (South African Mission) was reported to consist of three conferences, six branches and a total membership of 126. On Nov. 27, 1855, Elders Wm. H. Walker and Leonard I. Smith sailed from Port Elizabeth on the ship "Unity," accompanied by 15 emigrating saints en route for Utah. This ship had been purchased by two members of the Church, namely, Charles Roper and John Stock, for the benefit of the saints, on account of the difficulty in securing passage by steerage for the company. The ship was chartered to London, England, with a cargo. On Dec. 15, 1855, Pres. Jesse Haven left Cape Town en route for America. Up to that time 176 persons had been baptized in the whole mission. Some had emigrated and some had been excommunicated, leaving in all 121 saints in the colony after Elder Haven left. Elder Edward Slaughter (a local Elder) was left in charge of the saints in the Port Elizabeth Conference, and Richard Provia (another local Elder) in charge of the Cape Colony Conference.
In 1857 Elder Ebenezer C. Richardson was sent from the British Mission to preside over the Cape of Good Hope Mission. He was accompanied by Elder James Brooks. When these Elders left for America in the spring of 1858, the Church in South Africa had a membership of 243.
On March 9, 1859, about 30 Latter-day Saints, emigrating to Zion from the South African Mission, sailed from Port Elizabeth on the barque "Alacrity," in charge of Elder Joseph R. Humphreys, a local Elder.
At a conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 28, 1852, Elders Jesse Haven, Leonard I. Smith and William H. Walker were called to open up a mission in South Africa. Traveling via Liverpool and London, England, they arrived at Cape Town April 19, 1853. Bro. Haven presided over the mission. Immediately upon their arrival they made application for the use of the town hall, which was granted upon condition that they pay for the lighting. They made arrangements to hold meetings in the hall for six consecutive nights and commenced to advertise these meetings. On the first evening, April 25, 1853, the hall was nearly filled, but when testimony was borne to the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith the audience became so excited that it was impossible to continue the meeting on account of the confusion. The following evening the brethren found the hall closed against them. They, however, obtained the use of other halls, but mobbers caused so much confusion that it was impossible to speak. Some converts, however, were made, but they were afraid to take a decided stand on account of persecution. Finally, a Mr. Nicholas Paul of Mowbray (a suburb of Cape Town), a man of influence, permitted the Elders to hold meetings in his home, informing the audience at the commencement of the meeting that if they did not wish to listen they could leave, but the first man who offered an insult on his premises would be in danger of "having more holes made through him than a skimmer," and as long as the Elders remained in the vicinity Mr. Panl was their friend, and soon afterwards he and members of his family were baptized. On June 15, 1853, Elder Leonard I. Smith baptized Henry Stringer at Mowbray, as the first fruit of the labors of the Elders in South Africa. Soon afterwards a number of other converts were baptized and on Aug. 16, 1853, the first branch of the Church in South Africa was organized at Mowbray, four miles from Cape Town, and on Sept. 7, 1853, another branch was organized at Newlands, six miles from Cape Town. Up to that time about fifty persons had been added to the Church by baptism. A third branch of the Church was organized Feb. 23, 1854, at Beaufort, Cape Colony. These branches were later organized as the Cape Conference. The Elders also sent to England for copies of the Church works and a number of tracts for distribution. At a conference held at Port Elizabeth Aug. 13, 1855, the "Church in the Cape of Good Hope" (South African Mission) was reported to consist of three conferences, six branches and a total membership of 126. On Nov. 27, 1855, Elders Wm. H. Walker and Leonard I. Smith sailed from Port Elizabeth on the ship "Unity," accompanied by 15 emigrating saints en route for Utah. This ship had been purchased by two members of the Church, namely, Charles Roper and John Stock, for the benefit of the saints, on account of the difficulty in securing passage by steerage for the company. The ship was chartered to London, England, with a cargo. On Dec. 15, 1855, Pres. Jesse Haven left Cape Town en route for America. Up to that time 176 persons had been baptized in the whole mission. Some had emigrated and some had been excommunicated, leaving in all 121 saints in the colony after Elder Haven left. Elder Edward Slaughter (a local Elder) was left in charge of the saints in the Port Elizabeth Conference, and Richard Provia (another local Elder) in charge of the Cape Colony Conference.
In 1857 Elder Ebenezer C. Richardson was sent from the British Mission to preside over the Cape of Good Hope Mission. He was accompanied by Elder James Brooks. When these Elders left for America in the spring of 1858, the Church in South Africa had a membership of 243.
On March 9, 1859, about 30 Latter-day Saints, emigrating to Zion from the South African Mission, sailed from Port Elizabeth on the barque "Alacrity," in charge of Elder Joseph R. Humphreys, a local Elder.
December, 1861, Elders Wm. Fotheringham, Henry A. Dixon and John Talbot arrived
in Cape Town as missionaries, and on March 14, 1863, a company of 15 emigrating
saints left Port Elizabeth, bound for Zion, in charge of Robert Grant and John
Stock, local Elders.
Elders Fotheringham, Dixon and Talbot remained in the mission until 1864 and Elder Miner G. Atwood succeeded Elder Fotheringham in the presidency of the mission. On April 12, 1865, a company of saints sailed from Port Elizabeth per ship "Mexicano," bound for Utah, in charge of Elder Miner G. Atwood, who left the mission in charge of local Elders.
Forty years elapsed before the South African Mission was reopened. In 1903 Elders Warren H. Lyon, Wm. R. Smith, Thomas L. Griffiths and George A, Simpkins were called to reopen the mission. In spite of the long lapse of years, they found, on their arrival, a few scattered members of the Church, showing that the seed sown by the former missionaries still bore fruit, and that at no time since the mission was opened in 1853 had the Cape of Good Hope and the surrounding districts been without at least a few members of the Church. Since 1903 work has progressed in the mission which, at the close of 1930, had a membership of nearly 800.
A monthly periodical of 12 pages mimeographed, and entitled "Cumorah Monthly Bulletin," was commenced at the mission headquarters at Mowbray in 1927. It was continued in this form until 1929, when the name of the periodical was changed to "Cumorah Southern Cross" and printed as a small quarto-sized magazine as the official organ of the South African Mission.
Elders Fotheringham, Dixon and Talbot remained in the mission until 1864 and Elder Miner G. Atwood succeeded Elder Fotheringham in the presidency of the mission. On April 12, 1865, a company of saints sailed from Port Elizabeth per ship "Mexicano," bound for Utah, in charge of Elder Miner G. Atwood, who left the mission in charge of local Elders.
Forty years elapsed before the South African Mission was reopened. In 1903 Elders Warren H. Lyon, Wm. R. Smith, Thomas L. Griffiths and George A, Simpkins were called to reopen the mission. In spite of the long lapse of years, they found, on their arrival, a few scattered members of the Church, showing that the seed sown by the former missionaries still bore fruit, and that at no time since the mission was opened in 1853 had the Cape of Good Hope and the surrounding districts been without at least a few members of the Church. Since 1903 work has progressed in the mission which, at the close of 1930, had a membership of nearly 800.
A monthly periodical of 12 pages mimeographed, and entitled "Cumorah Monthly Bulletin," was commenced at the mission headquarters at Mowbray in 1927. It was continued in this form until 1929, when the name of the periodical was changed to "Cumorah Southern Cross" and printed as a small quarto-sized magazine as the official organ of the South African Mission.
is a list of the Elders who have presided over the South African Mission since
its reorganization: Warren H. Lyon, 1903–1906; Ralph A. Badger, 1906–1908;
Henry S. Steed, 1908–1909; Brigham A. Hendricks, 1909–1912; Frank J. Hewlett,
1912–1914; Nicholas G. Smith, 1914–1921; J. Wylie Sessions, 1921–1926; Samuel
Martin, 1926–1929, and Don Mack Dalton, 1929–1930.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
.....doesn't seem real to me.
my! I cant believe that I’ve been home from the best 2 years of my life for a
whole entire year!
That doesn't seem real to me. It seems like yesterday that I
was an awkward returned missionary, but I think I’ve adjusted for the most part
and can be classified as a normal person now. It’s been crazy to see many of my
mission buddies come home after completing their service.
this past summer I stuck with cleaning carpets. The highlight of my summer was
when I got to go on a business trip up to the Oakland temple to clean the
carpets after it had been renovated and get it all cleaned up for the faithful
saints of northern California. What an awesome experience! It ended up taking
longer than we expected, but it was a success. Also, I got to clean some of the
carpet in the San Diego temple, and I was happy because it desperately needed
it. Along with that, every Wednesday I got to serve and work at the temple on
the midday shift. I loved it, and really miss it. I was privileged enough to be
able to officiate an endowment session….7 times! So cool. And in my ward I was
called to be a teaching specialist for the youth, so I bounced around week to
week teaching Sunday school and young mens and young womens. I enjoyed it. But
other than that, my summer was pretty mundane and boring, but I loved spending
time with my family, and making money.
im back up where I really belong...LOGAN UTAH! I love this place, and I love it
even more when theres not 3 feet of snow on the ground and I can walk outside
with shorts on. Im taking 13 credits and all my classes are on Tuesday and
Thursday from 9am to 4:15pm with no breaks! I just pound them out! So far its
not that bad. And with a schedule like that, it allows me to not have any
school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday! So I work for Zerorez cache valley the
other days of the week! Cleaning carpets like a boss. A schedule like that sure
keeps me busy, but I can handle it.
young single adult student ward here is pretty great. I got called to serve as
the grandpa in the ward. Basically, I am in charge of all the Family Home
Evening groups on Monday nights. It’s a fun calling that fits my personality
and I always love to serve wherever the Lord needs me to.
theres one other detail in my life I think is worth mentioning… a cute girl
named Holly! I met her earlier this year at school and we kept in touch over
the summer (she even came and visited me) and now we’re dating! She is soo
amazing, and spoils the heck out of me. She feeds me soo much good food its not
even funny. We go on lots of fun dates and have so much fun together! Having is
girlfriend is really nice J
honestly miss being a full time missionary. Life just isn’t the same without
the black name tag! I miss all my friends I made so so much, but it has nice to
stay somewhat in contact with them via facebook and see the things that are
going on in their life. I still have a goal to hopefully one day return to
Africa and visit the places I served. My testimony continues to grow day
by day as I continue to practice and live the truths I taught the people of
South Africa and Namibia. I am proud to say that I’ve gone to the temple every
week since I’ve been home, except like once or twice in extenuating
as you can tell, my life is pretty awsome! I have nothing to complain about. I
have reflected back on my year of being home and can see God’s hand time after
time helping me and guiding me and sustaining me through the good times, and
the rare rough times. Truly, he watches over all His children, but I’d have to
say he is particularly aware of his returned missionaries J
Elder Haws
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Home @ SD
Wow, my mission is over! It feels weird to be home. I
thought I would just conclude my journey with one last entry. It was hard to
say the final goodbyes to all of my friends in Windhoek and pack everything up.
I gave pretty much everything away. I had extra space in my suitcase coming
home. I don’t know what happened to my body that morning I was flying to Cape
Town… maybe I was nervous or something, but I threw up before I left for the
airport and didn’t feel all that well that whole day. It still was fun and good
to see all my fellow transfer mates in the Mission Home at the end of our
missions. We had a nice steak dinner with President and Sister Wood and they
gave us some training and wise counsel before we were to go home. It was awesome.
Then we all bore our testimonies and sang the SACTM song one last time, with
all our heart and soul! The next day we just hung out in Cape Town and waited
for our evening flight home. It was relaxing. I went to Green Market Square to
get some final souvenirs, and soon enough it was time to load up and head to
the airport. It felt weird. In the airport we gave a power “Hurrah For Israel”
as went through security and waved goodbye to President and the AP’s.
The flight was good. It was a double decker plane. Us elders
didn’t sit near each other. I slept most of the way, and before I knew it, we
landed in London! First time on European soil for me. Elder Felshaw, Elder
Neilson and I had the later flight, so we say bye to the other elders and
decided to go out on the town! We bought the subway ticket and eventually made
our way through the busy London transit system to Big Ben! It was amazing. We
walked around and also saw a debate in the House of Commons which was cool. We
actually saw a total of 6 members who came up to us and said hello! That was
cool. One guy even gave us 20 pounds haha.
We made it back and I got on the plane taking me to San
Diego…aka HOME! I was shocked at how full the plane was! I got lucky and no one
sat right next to me, and I had a window seat. We flew over Ireland, and I got
to see the tip of Greenland! After 11 long hours, and flight attendant said “Welcome
to San Diego” I got out and went through the long customs line and they gave me
no trouble with the things I brought home. I went to get my luggage and through
the sliding doors saw my family (mostly my sister) there with signs and making
lots of noise! It was actually happening! I was home! The rest was just a
dream! I remember hugging my mommy first, and just lots of hugs and happiness!
The Winters were there, Pam and Randy, Grandma Haws, Daddy and Diane and even Bailey!
What a welcoming committee! Bishop recorded the whole thing, which was awesome.
I got in the car and that’s when it hit me. It was finished.
Kelly was driving and blasted the radio and we went to Rubios and had some
delicious fish tacos! Yum. I got released by President Elsworth, and just came
home and crashed. It felt weird, but refreshing. Went to the temple and did a session on Saturday
and spoke on Sunday in sacrament meeting. It was great to see lots of old
friends in the ward, and even some new faces.
HOME SWEET HOME! So fast forward a few weeks and I have a
car, a job at Zerorez carpet cleaning, a gym membership, and finally got a
phone after 2 weeks. But the highlight has been being called as a temple worker
in the San Diego Temple! That has been great. Also working at the Bishops Store
House has been fun too.
Well, it truly was the best 2 years, and I wouldn’t trade the experiences I had
and the things I learned for the world
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